Monday, July 4, 2016

Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatment

A variety of methods are used in the treatment of cancer.

1. Operation

The place is a cancer of the cancer cells and the surrounding cells are removed surgically cut. Cancer is a little all over the place, and if the early stages of the treatment is given.

2. Radiotherapy

Radioactive part of the body controlled by that place cells are destroyed.

3. Chemotherapy

This system cells to destroy the cancer anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs or medications are used. There are more than 50 types of drugs chemotherapy. Chemotherapy as a tablet or capsule is to eat them. But in most cases, or otherwise directly related to the medicine saline was given to blood. Mixed with the blood of these drugs in the body where the cancer cells to destroy the cancer cells try to go there.

4. Harmon Therapy

Some of the changes in hormone levels in the body are treated. There is a relationship with growth hormones in the body. Some cancers are affected by this hormone. As a result, reduce the growth of cancer cells from cancer hormone therapy is used to bring under control.

5. Helpful treatment

Physical treatment of cancer as well as treatment of mental patients, doctors now insists. After the emotional pain of cancer patients go through, broke some wear. For this reason, many of the more serious condition, but many of them died quickly. As a result, doctors advised them to different types of systems and services to the developed countries to provide such services is also different organizations. One of the victims of cancer is a group where they can share their experiences among themselves. Besides yoga, meditation, etc., patients are taught to control stress. As well as for emotional relief if anyone would like to be involved in any religious or social, they were encouraged.

Other Treatments

Serves to strengthen the body's immune system to produce such drugs now being studied. We are trying to create a vaccine against the cancer. But they are still at a very early stage.

How to prevent:

The researchers said recently after a long time of research, can lower the risk of cancer if they comply with certain issues. Just a little careful and follow the rules of life from 30 to 40 percent of cancer cases can be prevented.

1. Smoking:

The world is the type of cancer, tobacco smoking and drugs is the cause of one-quarter.
Not only the lungs due to smoke cancer, with the face, bronchial, nose, sinuses, stomach, pancreas, uterus, kidney, liver cancer may be. Therefore, refrain from smoking. However, smokers with smoking and the other has been talking to. 5 million people die each year for the use of tobacco products. In other words, a human being is killed every 6 seconds due to tobacco use.

2. Alcohol:

Smoking makes the body produce various types of cancer, the cancer is exactly As in many places in the body of alcohol. Mouth, liver, esophagus, Brest and fairings cancer is responsible for a lot of alcohol.

3. Infections:

Different types of infection becomes cancer. However, if the infection is not treated at the right time, if possible stay away from cancer. Stomach cancer can be caused due to bacterial infection. Human Papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B virus, herpes virus may cause cancer Kaposi sarcoma (KS). Quickly turn to the doctor for the treatment of infections of any kind to be undertaken and should have regular follow-up.

4. Ultra-violet (Ultra Violet) Rays:

Stay away from Ultra-violet rays. In this light it is due to the change of the skin cell nucleus as well as skin cancer is skin cancer. However, in this cancer is more common in men than in Caucasian as well as white. Even if the direct light of the sun, the light gives a better sharpness and more.

5. Moderate and balanced diet:

Many foods into our diets to carry anti-cancer material (such as tomatoes), so that cancer can be prevented by taking reasonable and balanced diet.

6. Regular Exercise:

Regular exercise can prevent cancer. It was strange to hear some exercise, running, bicycle riding, dancing, walking, cancer prevention. Through regular exercise, fresh cells, and the cells of our immunity to cancer cells of our body when it is destroyed.

7. Every two hours to walk:

Do not sit well at least every two hours to walk. Recently, a study by researchers at Germany's 
University of Regensburg watched, sitting for more than two hours due to the uterus, intestines and lung cancer, the possibility of attacks increased 10 percent.

8. Since the age of regular physician follow-up:

A lot of time in the quick diagnosis of cancer can be cured completely if the treatment is possible. Since the age of regular physician follow-up should be.

9. Keep fruits out of the refrigerator

If refrigerated food is absolutely resistant material that can reduce cancer. For this reason, as much as possible to try to keep food out of the refrigerator.

10. Turn off the lights at night and sleep: 

For a long time without artificial light increases the risk of cancer. If it lights up the night urethra cancer and breast cancer are likely to be.

11. Marinate the Meets:

Many people love to eat are meat grilled. However, the meat may contain chemicals associated with cancer, if it grilled on fire. Recently, American researchers said, the meat was cooked well before marinate. Marinate method, you need a little lemon juice, two tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of fresh honey mustard oil mixed with the meat and then cooked over fire or cooked. It does not have the risk of cancer.

12. Proper air entering the system at home:

Believe it or not you are on the road or in your home is more polluted than other areas. Because when you are at home or smoke when using the perfume in the air is polluted, and the cancer tends to chemicals. Therefore air to enter and exit the house should be the appropriate action.

13. Salt consumption Warning:

The role of salt in the UK for 14 percent of stomach cancer. The amount of our daily salt intake of 6 grams (.4 g sodium) should be lower. Everyone must stay vigilant because the salt intake. In addition, the sodium should be buying food from the market.

14. Do not use the Microwave oven:

Many people used to eat hot food on the stove or in the microwave oven. However, scientists say, the meal can reduce heating as a result of a cancer preventative.

What is the Cancer and Why

In my opinion, any treatment has 3 right medication, comfortable environment, and pure entertainment.

What is Cancer

The sum of diseases related to cancer or cancer uncontrolled cell division. There is still much higher mortality rate from the disease. After initially being diagnosed with cancer because the disease is not easily, resulting in better at the end of the treatment is not possible. In reality, no drugs yet discovered cancer treatment is not fully effective. Such treatment is applied in a variety of methods to cure cancer. However, much of the initial cure of these diseases increases put on hold.

All the animals in the world body created through the numerous small cells. These cells die after a certain time. The new cells takes place at the place of the old cells. Typically, cells divide in a controlled and orderly, gives birth to new cells. Generally speaking, when cells grow uncontrollably due to a hunk of flesh under the skin, or the wheel can be seen immediately. This is called a tumor. These tumors can be benign or malignant. Malignant Tumor is the cancer. Speaking in detail, the increase uncontrollably Capable of splitting cells neoplasia (tumor), and the cells associated with such actions as neoplastic cells. Cells surrounding neoplastic cells cannot penetrate to him harmless or benign tumor. Tumor cancer is benign. Neoplasia the malignant tumor tissue or cancer is acute performance, and its ability to discerning Capable of splitting uncontrolled cells to cancer cells. Many cancer first started as a benign tumor, the cells of some of the changes (transformation) become malignant (ie acute power) becomes. There is no stability; there will be changes, but benign tumors from cancer. Some benign tumors that have a disease similar to cancer must be - such as pre-cancer. Although harmless Benin tumor as the pressure may damage the surrounding tissue. Cancer metastasis is a stage that cancer cells through the blood to other cells, Lymphatic System etc., can be spread through the distant tissues.

The Cause of Cancer

It's still not sure exactly what cancer is. He found something in common cause.

1. Age

Generally increases as age increases the risk of cancer, because the body's immune system gradually becomes less and less. As can be seen as one of them, 70 per cent of people diagnosed with cancer about 60 years of age bhagerai.

2. Food and way of life

Food and way of life with the cancer, the researchers found a deeper relationship. For example, smoking or alcohol to the lungs, liver or liver cancer of the mouth and throat, and there is contact. The same way betel nut, chewing tobacco, meat, extra salt, sugar, bread, etc., are intimately linked with cancer. Who are generally less physically active than in those with cancer prabanatata.

3. Family history

Cancer is also found evidence of genetic relationship. For this reason, if anyone in the family has cancer, the incidence of cancer, the risk is significantly higher then others.

4. environmental and occupational causes

There are a lot of chemicals with cancer. For example, on mesotheliomiya (a rare type of cancer, the cells are infected with the lung and abdominal walls) in 10 cases, including 9 of this cancer due to exposure to the metal esabestasa said. Usually those involved in shipbuilding industry, exposure to these metals is high possibility. For this reason, many countries ban the use of these metals. Similarly, dyeing factories, they are engaged in a kind of rubber or gas in particular vesica cancer due to exposure to chemicals. In many countries the use of these chemicals has been banned. One of the environmental factors of the sun. The sun for a long time due to the increased risk of skin cancer. Where is the risk of cancer due to radiation.

What are the types of cancer

In many case there are than 200 types cancer can be found. Every cancer is different from other and distinct from each treatment. Cancer is currently a lot of research and a lot of new information is available about.

Cancer Symptoms

Different types of cancer have different signs or symptoms. Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Feeling very tired
  • Decreased appetite
  • Wheel or a hunch that anypart of the body was found
  • Chronic cough
  • Broken neck
  • Toilet overhauled (diarrhea, constipation or blood in the stool)
  • Fever, sweating at night or in the cold
  • Unusual weight loss
  • Unusual bleeding
  • The skin changes

Cancer Symptoms: 7 Understand That Your Body Nesting Cancer Symptoms

7 Cancer Symptoms

Cancer Symptoms
The increase in the number of cancer patients is much higher. And every day the number of patients is increasing at an alarming rate. Smoking, sun, chemicals, for various reasons, includes excess weight cancer that any man can be affected. The survey is usually 4 to 1 person died of cancer patients. But due lack of treatment and neglect increased of the number to 3.

Do not like the way a lot of time to learn the signs of cancer in the body due to the spread of cancer. The higher of the spread, which is not a good treatment. Well do you know the symptoms of cancer (cancer symptoms) through the early stages of cancer treatment can be eliminated? So we need to know the symptoms of cancer.

Cancer Symptoms : Excessive weight loss

The decrease in weight without any trouble, if there is nothing to be happy. It may be a sign of cancer. Changes in diet or eating habits to lose weight are not a problem. The problem with any diet or eating habits to lose weight if you do not change. And if higher declines. Of course you need to go to the doctor for a checkup.

Cancer Symptoms : Persistent fever and cough

Seasonal changes in cold or fever or cough to be a little bit of time, none of us do not care. If you have a fever, but pulled up and started to cough, then certainly need to go to the doctor. Because of the persistent fever and cough may be blood cancer, lymphoma, and leukemia cancer symptoms. Do not neglect persistent fever and cough never lie?

Cancer Symptoms : Additional and often headache and pain in the spine

Many suffer from migraine pain in the head. Many were caught cold headache. But the continuous extra head pain is not a good sign. Please checkup the doctor for advice. Additional may cause headache, "brain cancer" signs. If you cannot sit back and spine pain is continuous pain in the spine because we do not care. But it may be a sign of cancer. So do not neglect to enter the check-up.

Cancer Symptoms : Swelling or lump under the skin coloring

The first and the main sign of cancer of the body swelling or lump under the skin of the cocoon cocoon-like bumps roll feel. However, this cocoon around the chest or breasts is considered a sign of cancer or genital arise. Other parts of the body such as the hands, feet, there is nothing to fear arise.

Cancer Symptoms : Unusual Bleeding

Cough with mucus or blood is considered to be a sign of lung cancer. It also can be put on urine-bladder cancer is blood in the stool. Symptoms of breast cancer from the breast wearing blood. These symptoms require immediate medical attention.

Cancer Symptoms : Skin Changes

The small grains of skin or skin color changes sometimes, no reason to blur things like injuries sign of melanoma. That is a sign of skin cancer. These spots on the note or changes. Consult your doctor to change the course of any skin type.

Cancer Symptoms : Very quickly become tired and depressed

A lot of busy work, or if we feel tired. Even sometimes I am tired and depressed to do with this. Despite the fatigue does not take a lot of time because we do not think the rest of our weight. But we do not think it could be a sign of cancer. Careless being tired and go to the doctor for a checkup does not neglect.